Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Exciting News......

One is that my baby girl is 10 months old today..OMG where has the time gone? I had better start preparations for her 1st Birthday, really soon.

But the big news is I have a website.. Beyond Ink..

So, what are you waiting for?? Go and check it out here and tell me what you think. It is still in the creating stage, I still have to upload photo's to the gallery, but I plan on doing this over the next few days, its a slow process as I first have to actually take picture's.

But the plan is to have all of my Stampin'Up!® over there and then I will probably still use this blog to keep you all up to date with the family etc.

I am off to do a bit more playing with the site, so until next time..

Happy Stampin'


Rachel said...

The website looks great! Wish I lived closer - that backpack class looks cool!


{ she } said...

Hi honey, happy new year! Good luck with the website!!!

Tracey said...

Looks gorgeous girl! Now can you help me with mine/ours? *grin*