Monday, December 29, 2008

Am I bad or what???

I think I have to be the worst blogger around.....
I know its been ages since I posted, but life has just been madness over the past few months, but I am hopping that 2009 is going to be a better year all round.

One of my new years resolution is to keep on top of blogging, so stay turned lets see if I can keep to my word this time. Hubby gave me a new laptop for Christmas so that got to make me want to come in here more often.

Now that Christmas is out of the way I have been focusing my energy on my Stampin'Up!® business, I have been planning some regular classes and get together's, that hopefully you will all enjoy. I am also researching the ins and out of a website so to me its all very exciting and I can wait to see when the creative SU journey is going to take me.

I am drafting my new years newsletter atm, so if you would like a copy, and want to stay upto date with everything Stamping Up, please sign up in the box on the right.

When I figure out how to edit my photos on this laptop I will share some of my latest creations..

until next time...keep smiling...